Solve parking congestion

I will work to finish amending the city code to ensure developers create parking that meets everyone’s needs. I will work with existing neighborhoods to find parking solutions that will work specifically for them.

Correct road and traffic problems

I will work to complete or repair the roads needed to better connect the various parts of the city.


Control density creep

I will work to require developers to stick to approved plans. No more density than already approved in the city master plan, zoning map and ordinances. I will work with existing neighborhoods to control and prevent after-the-fact density creep.

Encourage business development

I will work to accelerate development of businesses in the areas north of the Vineyard Collector (800 North), the Forge and Yard districts (by the Megaplex), and along Geneva Rd.

Density Creep

The Biggest Concern Facing Vineyard Today

the degree of compactness of a group of objects.
“an increase in population density”
synonyms: denseness, thickness, bulk, weight, mass

move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being detected.
“they crept inside, without making any noise”
synonyms: crawl, inch, slither, wriggle, writhe, worm

The biggest concern facing Vineyard today is “Density Creep”—the unplanned/after-development increase in the number of people and cars in neighborhoods.

Density creep makes our neighborhoods more cramped, with less parking than they were supposed to have.


Parking Spaces

Parking Spaces

Investors purchase single family units to rent to 6 students (and their cars)

Basement Apartments

Basement Apartments

Basement apartments increase neighborhood numbers and cars beyond planned levels

Unused Garages

Unused Garages

Garages are not used for parking, pushing second cars into visitor stalls.

How to control it?

Reduce Demand

Reduce Demand

Limit single unit occupancy to no more than 3 or 4 students (and their cars) to reduce the overall demand for parking.  (Families will not be affected.)

Penalize landlords for renting one unit to more students than allowed.

Efficient Utilization

Efficient Utilization

Require 2 parking spaces per bedroom at apartments (max per unit = 4)

Require neighbors’ approval to build basement apartments.

Better Parking

Better Parking

Stop allowing developers to count garages as parking spaces.

Work with HOAs to create more parking where needed.

Get Involved!

Find out how to vote or call me to find out how to donate to the campaign and the community.